Birds of the Internet: Evaluating participation

The table below presents responses to seven evaluation questions (and two sub-questions) for the 102 participatory entities (cases) in the Part.Lab study. Each of the evaluation questions (displayed as columns) was answered with 'yes', 'no', or 'n/a' for each case (displayed as rows) by between three and five members of our research group. The number of responses for each question/case pair is indicated by the number in the center of the 'donut' diagram. The evaluation questions are:

  • (1) Does participation in this entity produce an educative dividend?
  • (2) Does this entity allow participation in goals as well as tasks?
  • (2.1) If yes (#2), is participation in goals direct/ representative? Choose YES for direct and No for representative.
  • (3) Does this entity allow participants to maintain control or ownership of resources produced?
  • (3.1) If yes (#3), collective or individual control? YES for collective, NO for individual
  • (4) Is there the capacity for exit (with resources or without penalty)?
  • (5) Is there the capacity for effective voice (feedback, dissent or protest)?
  • (6) Are there metrics of participation? Can a participant see, measure or experience the outcome of their participation?
  • (7) Does the entity itself provide the capacity for communication (affective, subjective, rational or other meaningful intercourse) between participants in some form?

Move your mouse over the individual diagrams to see response details - click the diagram to see evaluator comments. You can sort the cases alphabetically by clicking "Case Name", by question response score (the average of the question responses for a particular question/case) by clicking the question number, or by response similarity by clicking "similarity sort" for a particular case. In the latter, cases are arranged by the (euclidean) distance between their response score "profile" and that of the chosen case – similarly evaluated cases will appear near the top, closer to the chosen case. (Euclidean distance is a popular metric used in clustering techniques such as hierarchical agglomeration).

Case Name {{}}
{{ }}
distance: {{bird.distance | number:4}}
Yes: {{answers_of_type('YES').length}}, No: {{answers_of_type('NO').length}}, N/A: {{answers_of_type('N/A').length}}
YES Comments
  • "{{a}}"
NO Comments
  • "{{a}}"
N/A Comments
  • "{{a}}"